
Showing posts from February, 2025

Orthodontic Solutions for Overbite Neutral Bay: Your Complete Guide

An overbite is one of the easiest to perceive dental problems. After recognizing such a type of problem, you need to go ahead with the orthodontic treatment for fast relief. This orthodontic problem is treated as soon as it comes into concern rather than later.   Orthodontic Solutions for Overbite Neutral Bay  treatment methods and times depend on the seriousness of your case. What is overbite? When we talk about overbite, this means the overlapping of the top jaw and teeth to the lower jaw and teeth. Most  Orthodontists Neutral Bay   consider it a type of malocclusion. An overbite can be commonly of two types, but there are also other different types, such as: Vertical overbite:  this is a commonly found overbite where the upper teeth overlap the lowerone. Horizontal overbite:  this is also known as overjet as the upper front teeth stand out beyond the lower front teeth. Deep bite:  A drastic overbite in which the upper front teeth cover the lower fro...